Hello everyone and welcome back from your short ICC MOWer appeal communication break. Since I last wrote our Filham Park ground has had its first cut of the year in between torrential rain that once more has left us with puddles. Our groundsman Andy Coker used his own MOWer to cut the outfield which reminded me that, while the ground is unfit to play, we can put all our efforts into fundraising for the new MOWer before the new season commences.
To date we have raised £1,700 of our £5k target towards the new MOWer so you can see we still have much to do. April provides a wonderful opportunity to bridge our gap and make that £5k target.
Firstly we have 5 members running the Plymouth Half Marathon on Sunday April 17th. They are 1st teamers James Bullock and Josh Zimmerman and 2nd teamers Jerry Clough, Mike Tuckwell and yours truly. Calorie controlled diets have been strict (ish), pavements pounded, physios paid and inches have literally fallen off of the 5 of us. We are lean and ready for the off but we need your help. Please support us with as much as you possibly can and make all the pain worth it at http://campaign.justgiving.com/charity/ivybridge-cricketclub/mowerappeal. Please remember to gift aid any donations if you are a UK tax payer. Many thanks.
Secondly we are in the early stages of planning a race night for Saturday April 23rd at the club. More news will come on this one but mark your cards now and get ready for the off with what is sure to be an exciting evening of fun.
So why did Kelvin Trent our first team captain re-discover his MOWjo? Well come along on April 23rd and see if his luck stays in. Following a successful week at the Cheltenham festival in March Kelvin single handedly helped us raise some MOWney by clearing the bar of a number of items – drinking responsibly of course! Rumour has it that Kelv will be at the bar far more often this season which will be great to see. Thankyou skipper!
That’s all the news for now. Please visit our justgiving site and pledge some funds to the runners as we make a big push towards our £5k target and get ready for the season ahead.
Many thanks.