Dear Members, Families and Friends of Ivybridge Cricket Club,
I write on behalf of the Committee, hoping that you celebrated safely last evening and wishing you a Happy and Successful New Year ahead.
As you made all your New Year resolutions and commence your good intentions we wanted to put another on your radar and ask: “Are you MOWtivated?”
April 2016 provides our club with a massive opportunity to improve the quality of our home ground at Filham Park when we have the opportunity to purchase a newer outfield mower for the ground that will benefit all our members. Now I’m no mower expert but I’m told that it’s newer, has more heads, a cab and most importantly is red! All great features, but what are the benefits and why is it important?
Did you know that last season, due to the age of our existing outfield mower, we suffered a series of mechanical issues meaning that on 2 weekends the outfield of the Filham Park ground had to be cut with a domestic ride-on mower and the clippings removed with a leaf blower? Can you imagine how long this took Andy Coker our groundsman and the cost involved?
We believe that a newer mower will be more reliable, its five heads will cut the grass quicker and to a better standard than the existing 3, the cab will make it more comfortable for Andy to cut in inclement weather and most importantly it’s red so will look fabulous! Better reliability and faster cutting importantly reduces ongoing running costs which for any cricket club and its membership is important.
So now the REALLY IMPORTANT BIT. We have the opportunity to buy a better mower but we need to MOWtivate and MOWbilise you all as we are currently £2,000 short of the purchase price, funds that we need to be secured by the end of March 2016.
The Committee have discussed our options and with your help and support we want to hold as many fundraising events as possible between now and the end of March. Attached is our ‘working’ schedule of events to date kicking off with Exeter City vs Liverpool in the 3rd round of the FA Cup being shown at the Clubhouse on Friday January 8th from 7.00pm. More events will be confirmed in due course but for now 2 actions that we ask of you.
- Mark your calendars with the events that you think you, your families and friends can support
- Let us know if you think you could organise further events on separate dates e.g. Coffee mornings, car washes, auction of promises, bag packs etc etc
We have a very real opportunity to improve our club so please get involved, support and feedback if you have ideas yourself that can help us. I am co-ordinating the club’s fundraising efforts and will be ably assisted by Joe Benson over the coming months. You will hear from us a lot as we have much energy for this campaign and we trust that you will too.
“Are you MOWtivated?”
Martin Templar
On behalf of Ivybridge Cricket Club Committee